The candidates can register for the entrance test in any one of the modes given below.
A. Spot Registration
Candidates can appear in person at the Co-ordinating Centres shown under item 8 with the
following documents:
i) Copy of X Std. or equivalent mark sheet
ii) Copy of XII Std. mark sheet or 3 years Diploma certificate
iii) Cash (or) Demand Draft.
iv) The SC/SCA/ST candidates belonging to Tamilnadu have to produce a copy of the
permanent community certificate (card format) for availing fee concession.
B. Internet Registration
Candidates can register through internet by filling-up the application form, downloading
it and send it to the address shown under item 10 with the following enclosed:
i) Copy of X Std. or equivalent mark sheet
ii) Copy of XII Std. mark sheet or 3 years Diploma certificate
iii) Demand Draft.
iv) An attested copy of the permanent community certificate (card format) issued by the
competent authority of Government of Tamilnadu (for SC/SCA/ST candidates belonging
to Tamilnadu).
For candidates who register in person, a demand draft for ` 500/- (` 250/- for
SC/SCA/ST candidates belonging to Tamilnadu) drawn in favour of “The Director,
Entrance Examinations, Anna University,” payable at Chennai, obtained from any
Nationalised Bank drawn on or after 23.01.2012 or cash, should be submitted along with the
filled-in application, as the entrance test fee for any one of the programmes M.B.A. (or) M.C.A.
(or) M.E./M.Tech./M.Arch./M.Plan.
The application form is common for all the three entrance tests. Candidates have to submit
only one application form.
A candidate applying for more than one programme has to pay ` 500/- (` 250/- for
SC/SCA/ST candidates belonging to Tamilnadu) for each additional programme. A single
demand draft is sufficient for one or more programmes.
The Registration Number assigned in the Hall Ticket should be entered at the appropriate
place in the admission application form to be filed with the respective admitting authorities later.
Hall ticket for the entrance test will be despatched (for Internet registration only) to all the
eligible candidates who have applied. If any eligible candidate does not receive the hall ticket, he/she can get a duplicate hall ticket from the enquiry office at the following centres:
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